
ACCRAbond 1645-GRAY-20KG Instabond Silicone Gray Adhesive, 20kg Pail

Our Part #10289656


Mfr Part #1645-GRAY-20KG


ACCRAbond 1645-GRAY-20KG Instabond Silicone Gray Adhesive, 20kg Pail

Our Part #10289656


Mfr Part #1645-GRAY-20KG


INSTAbond 1645 Gray Silicone Sealant

Accrabond 1645-GRAY-20KG INSTAbond® 1645 Gray is a one part methoxy curing (neutral cure) silicone that reacts with atmospheric moisture at room temperature to create a non-corrosive seal. INSTAbond® 1645 Gray liberates methanol during the cure process which makes it the best choice for sealing sensitive electrical components or electrical housings.

INSTAbond® 1645 Gray has high tensile-strength, high tear-strength and is resistance to moisture, ozone exposure and weathering. It also provides thermal stability up to 600°F (315.6°C) and is non- sagging for overhead or vertical applications. It can be used with INSTAbond® 1645 Primer to enhance bond properties.

Brand: ACCRAbond
Color: Gray
Alternate Product Number: 1645-GRAY-20KG-23601
Product Type: Silicone Adhesives
Shelf Life: 365 days
Specific Gravity: 1.10 Cured Compound
Tensile Strength: 500 psi
Viscosity: Non-Flowable Paste

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